The Story so far...
Where did it all begin?
Having worked for many years in high pressure roles in 2018 I did a sweep round my house collecting all the unfinished craft projects I had really enjoyed starting but had never found the time to complete and made the life changing decision to start my dream business. Life can become so fast paced we forget to take time to focus on the things we most enjoy; like creating beautiful things with our hands.
January 2019
I started teaching 60 minute workshops locally including all my favourite crafts. The aim being to teach people that by setting aside a little dedicated time with the right guidance they can succeed at a new craft and complete a beautiful project they can be proud of.
September 2019
Workshops were in demand and I was now delivering two evening classes a week; visiting a host of daytime venues and offering private craft parties and corporate crafting.
January 2020
On the verge of a pandemic I launched a range of Craft Kits.
March 2020
Lockdown for Covid19 began and it was important for me to keep everyone crafting. It is such a mindful activity and I knew it would help me through the coming months so I wanted it to help others too. Daisy's Craft Members Club was born providing clients with the opportunity to learn a new craft every month making the most of their very own craft stash!
April 2020
Workshops were moved online to keep everyone safe and to keep crafting.
April 2021
Well what a year! Face to Face Workshops return with caution and some socially distanced at venues appropriate to be Covid Safe!
August 2021
I made the move from Dorset to Herefordshire and Daisy's 60 Minute Crafts spread her wings!
July 2022
Setttled now in Herefordshire and traveling to Dorset for two Craft Days a year.
The introduction of MacrameByNicki to the website; teaching you to knot beautiful projects via video tutorials.
November 2022
Saw Daisy's 60 Minute Crafts exhibit at The Creative Craft Show at the NEC for the very first time and is looking forward to returning as a specially selected educator in March 2023.
February 2023
Daisy's 60 Minute Crafts was proud to meet Theo Paphitis and receive a Small Business Sunday Award in recognition for it's success!
March & November 2023
Daisy's 60 Minute Crafts exhibited at The Creative Craft Show at the NEC as a specially selected educator.
January 2024
I'm looking forward to 2024 and all that it has in store for Daisy's 60 Minute Crafts and my lovely crafting clients